How Landlords Can Verify Immigration Status

When it comes to renting out a property, landlords must ensure that all tenants have the legal right to rent. This is known as a “right to rent check” and is a requirement for all private tenants in England. To verify immigration status, landlords should consult anyone 18 years of age or older who pays to use their property as their primary home, such as tenants, subtenants, and paying house guests. The landlord or leasing agent will ask for immigration documents or a passport when starting or renewing a lease.

They will also need to see the documents of any other adult living in the property. The landlord or rental agent will use the participation code or documents to prove that the tenant has the right to rent. In light of Brexit, citizens of the EU, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein now require Right to Rent immigration control. The plan also allows Ukrainian citizens to stay with British residents for up to three years, allowing landlords to provide housing to those in need.

If the Home Office has granted the tenant a permit to rent, the landlord or leasing agent must be provided with a Home Office reference number. The Landlord Verification Service can be contacted to determine if someone has the “right to rent” and will provide the necessary documents. If a tenant needs to use the landlord verification service or the online portal, they must do so in the presence of the potential tenant (either in person or online). It is important for landlords to take note of how long a tenant is allowed to stay and then perform a follow-up check before the end of that time. Property owners across England must check that someone has the right to rent before renting a property to them.

Rent-entitlement checks are sometimes complex and can have serious consequences if not done correctly.

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